Snufkin Aged Almost Eleven
February - March 2007
Lincoln, Nebraska

In January 2007, Snufkin moved to a house on the other side of Lincoln. It is her favourite of the places she has lived, with lots of windows and a whole floor for her own personal use (she thinks). The only drawback is the hardwood floors, which make it easier for her to skid and lose her dignity.

Within a month, over a foot of snow had fallen and the garden became a sea of white.

Snufkin enjoys the view from her cat tree, which overlooks the back garden.
(February 2007)


Feeling a little shy.
(February 2007)


A quick groom before her glamour shot...
(February 2007)


... aaand here it is. What a beautiful cat!
(February 2007)


Snufkin’s Naughtiness

Exhibit A: Pawprints on the Steinway.
(February 2007)
Exhibit B: Caught (1) on the coffee table, (2) eating roses.
(February 2007)


Less than three weeks later, the snow had all melted and it was warm enough to open the window, just for a couple of hours in the afternoon, for a little cat who had been cooped up inside all winter.

Using the flash made her pupils gleam yellow.
(March 2007)
No flash. Much better.
(March 2007)


Snufkin spots a bird or squirrel.
(March 2007)


What a nice afternoon...
(March 2007)


Snufkin smells spring in the air.
She will soon be eleven years old.
(March 2007)

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