Snufkin Aged Five
Spring and Summer, 2001
Schenectady, New York


Sunning on the porch
(April 2001)


Getting her fur nice and dirty
(April 2001)



At her full height: 2' 4 1/2"
(72 cm. May 2001)

Below: Startled (May 2001)



On her rainy day perch
(May 2001)



Pretending to be a pair of “Soft & Flexible” shoes
(May 2001)

Despite the cramped dimensions, she napped inside the box for three hours and went back for several days!
Then she got bored.


Enjoying a down comforter, even more smugly than usual
(May 2001)


The CatSpa fiasco

In August 2001, I buy Snufkin a “CatSpa” because the cat on the box looks like her. The model is shown grooming herself on the green brushes, giving herself a massage on the white bumpy areas, and cleaning her teeth and gums by chewing on the little ball in the middle.

What happens next is typical of most new purchases for Snufkin.


Snufkin enjoys the brushes (or rather the catnip liberally sprinkled on them) for a few days.
(August 2001)

... But soon the CatSpa becomes just another place to nap.
Snufkin never does give herself a massage or a dental cleaning.
After a few days she avoids the CatSpa entirely,
and it goes back into the box with the misleading lookalike.
(August 2001)

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